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Meet and Greet Services

At Comoros Jet booking a Meet and Assist Service will always make sure that passing through the airport will be fast and easy. Airport caretaker staff will help bypass the lines to ensure a quick arrival, a smooth departure, or a successful connection.

Comoros Meet and Assist enhances the first-class feeling that top executives or celebrities usually enjoy. Services we provide may include special immigration handling, an electric buggy kart, porters, and VIP facilities.

How to apply for my meet and greet services?

Whenever you plan to visit, just contact our meet and greet team at their 24/7 email:

Our team will send you all available options at all airports in Comoros with the price of each service, so you can select your preferable services according to your need and budget.

To prepare for your journey, please contact the Comoros Jet meet and greet operations team at any time and please make sure to book the Meet & Greet service at least 48 hours before your flight’s departure.

Our expert operational team and booking system will help you select the exact service you need by contacting us at

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