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Comoros is one of the world’s poorest nations and therefore visitors shouldn’t anticipate finding extravagant accommodations, the highest-quality restaurants, tourist infrastructure along with other luxury services. However, Comoros has tropical paradise weather with only two seasons. For example, from November to April, it is hot and rich in rainfall whereas the rest of the year is almost cooler and drier although the temperature varies between 23C to 28C within the coastal areas.

The Comorian people are regularly very approachable and friendly, and this will make a Comoros holiday valuable. Comoros is made up of four major islands, as well as many smaller ones, which are known as Grande Comore; Moheli; Anjouan; and Mayotte. However, Mayotte voted against independence and is still governed by France. On the other hand, Comoros is also known by their Comorian language names which are Ngazidja, Nzwani, and Mwali correspondingly. Comoros can visit the four islands by plane or by boat.

Grand Comore is also known as Ngazidja which is the home of the capital Moroni which makes it the main island with the country’s international airport which is known as Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport (HAH, FMCH). In Moroni, you can find some shops, hotels, or even nightclubs. This island’s prominent attraction is Mt Karthala an active volcano stated to become probably the most harmful in the world. The volcano is a well-known destination for hiking. Also, you will find numerous island towns, a number of that have what are named ‘Medina-style’ with several winding streets and alleys. This island is known for its perfume exports besides the exotic beaches.

The island of Moheli which is also known as Nzwani may be the smallest of the Comoros islands. However, it has a beautiful destination and has many natural points of interest including mountains, whale watching, fishing, boating, diving and snorkeling about the coral reefs, and hiking across the coastlines or perhaps in the forests. You will find it as one of the smallest, traditional towns where you can acquire a true sense of the culture the ones of Comoros and you will find always possibilities to purchase in your area made crafts.

Anjouan is a stylish island locally called Mwali however this island is actually the least safe from the Comoros islands due to clashes between African Union forces and digital rebel groups. Anjouan is also rated as the most beautiful island in Comoros. You can walk through its capital Mutsamudu to see historical citadels and the medina, and explore the Col de Patsy, a particularly beautiful valley, and the nearby Tatringa Falls. You can also visit the mausoleum of the late president Abdallah, the father of independence in Comoros.

In conclusion, Comoros can compete with other Indian Ocean islands depending on the looks of its white sand beaches, clear seas, and voluptuous volcanic landscapes. Comoros is also culturally treasured, with a blend of Arab, African, and French influences. Let’s not forget to add in the beautiful presence of sea turtles almost year-round, lemurs and highly endangered and enormous Livingstone’s fruit bats, desirable hiking, whale watching, and snorkeling. Comoros is one beautiful country that deserves to be visited.


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